247 ye

the past few months in pictures (not mine, click on the photo and you will be taken to the artist's work, because i am not a picto-thief):

(in the sense of, fuck what the world says, i don't need you to tell me it's okay to listen to bizarro music/do bizarro things/be a bizarro person. not in the sense of fuck the world i'm done i'm killing myself blablah although i do have things to say about that as well.)

i think i've sort of lost my touch with this blogging thing, but it's alright because i'm just a little sailboat alalalaalaaaa,


c said…
you give me so much hope. you were real two years ago during the worst part of my life and you're real now - when i can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, your blog reminds me that it's still there. thank you
hey come back lets revive this blogging thing in 2011
c said…
c, it is so lovely to hear that what i just think of as my silly pointless blog actually serves such a purpose in someone's life!! thank you thank you <3

and saff, SAFFFFFF! i commented on yo last post

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